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A Journey of Tea and Togetherness

Drinking tea at BrewCHA is more than just a choice. It is a journey into the heart of tea culture.


Our mission is to help you to unlock tea's full potential, and true tea connoisseurs know that brewing tea is an art form that creates a pleasant moment.



     Today, with immense pride, I extend a  warm invitation to all our friends and  valued patrons to relive these treasured  moments through our masterful tea  collection. Our teas are meticulously  sourced from trusted plantations, ensuring  impeccable taste and unwavering quality.  As tea plants thrive in diverse regions and  countries, each cup in our collection  embodies a unique character including  flavor profiles and not just capture the  essence of tea but to celebrate the spirit of  togetherness and shared moments..


Loose-leaf tea brewing is an art that tea aficionados truly appreciate.


Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our meticulous attention to the brewing temperatures. We ensure every cup of tea is brewed to perfection, extracting the full potential of tea leaves to give you the perfect consistent cup every time.



Find Us


204 Mt. View Ln #10

Colorado Springs. 80907


(719) 339 5499

Opening Hours

Mon - Sat

10:00 am – 6:00 pm

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